1. The match is to be played from Scratch over 18 holes in accordance with the R & A Rules of Golf for Match play.
2. In the event of the match being tied after completion of the round a result by sudden death commencing at the first hole until there is a winner.
3. Each Club will be represented by one team of two players. A Club need not to be represented by the same two players each round.
4. A player who is a member of more than one participating Club may only represent one Club throughout the Competition year.
5. The order of play shall be determined by toss of a coin. The Captain of the Home Team shall supply scorecards and Local Rules.
6. Each round should be completed as soon as possible within the allocated time allowed in accordance with the draw. Any unreasonable delay, as determined by the LDUGC League Secretary, could result in both teams being eliminated.
7. The HOME team is the first team of each pair in the draw and is responsible for arranging the match within 7 days from the start of the round.
If a mutual date for the match cannot be agreed, then the match will take place on the final day of the draw at the HOME teams Club at 16:00hrs.
If only ONE team turn up ready to play at 16:00 the match will be given to that team. Extensions will only be granted in extreme circumstances.
8. Only Team Captains can decide whether a match should be postponed or suspended and in the case of postponement, that decision shall be made on the day of the match.
9. The Semi-finals will take place on a neutral course that will be determined by the LDUGC, & the Final will be played take place on Finals Day on the course of the LDUGC President providing his club is not in a final. If it is then a neutral course will be determined by the LDUGC Executive.
10. Disputes must be communicated to the League Secretary prior to 22:00hrs on the date of the match and all disputes shall be referred to the LDUGC League Secretary by telephone within 24 hours of the match. This must be followed by a letter to the LDUGC Honorary Secretary within 7 days of the date of the match. The decision of the Executive Committee regarding all disputes is final.
11. The entry fee to the Competition shall be as fixed by The Leeds & District Union of Golf Clubs Executive and be paid at the same time as the Annual Subscription.
12. Trophies and Prize monies shall be fixed by the Leeds & District Union of Golf Clubs Executive.The winners shall receive the F.W. Nettleton Trophy and a prize. The runners up shal receive a prize.
13. A draw will be made at the Annual General Meeting.
14. It is the responsibility of the WINNING CLUB to immediately notify the result of the match to the Leeds & District League Secretary Mr John Hallas by email to as soon as possible but before deadline for completion of each round as per draw.
15. Failure to comply may result in DISQUALIFICATION.
Amended 23/03/23