
Leeds & District Union of Golf Clubs

1. NAME:

The Union shall be called the ’Leeds & District Union of Golf Clubs’.


(a) To further the best interests of golf and to provide opportunities for discussing matters of common interest amongst the Clubs in the Union.

(b) To arrange Competitions and Team Matches.


Membership of the Union shall be open to recognised Golf Clubs which are affiliated to the English Golf Union. Election of a Club to the Union shall be decided by the Council following written application to the Hon. Secretary for membership.

4. COUNCIL: The governing body shall be styled the Council, and the entire management shall be vested in it. The Council shall consist of the Officers and Vice-Presidents, one Representative from each Club in the Union and the Captain of each club in the Union. The Council shall meet twice a year, and at such other times as may be necessary. The Vice-Presidents shall be the Past Presidents and any other person elected for special services rendered to the Union.


The Annual General Meeting of the Union shall be held each year in the month of March, at such time and place as the Council shall determine. Any member of a Club in the Union is entitled to attend but only members of the Council may vote.

At least 21 days notice of the meeting shall be given in writing by the Hon. Secretary to each Club in the Union.


(a) To receive the report of the Council for the preceding year, and to approve the audited accounts.

(b) To elect the Officers, Executive Committee and Hon Auditor.

(c) To transact any General business of the Union, also such special business of the Union, of which notice must have been given to the Secretary in writing, at least 21 days before the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting.

7. EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING: An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened when deemed necessary by the President and Hon. Secretary. Any two clubs may submit a request in writing for an Extraordinary General Meeting to the Hon. Secretary and such Meeting shall be convened by him within fourteen days of receipt of written request.

Only the business of which such notice has been given shall be considered.

OFFICERS: The Officers shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, President Designate, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Competition Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Team Secretary, Hon. Junior Organiser, Hon. League Secretary and Hon. Associate Members Registrar.

With the exception of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President and President Designate, they shall be proposed, seconded and elected by ballot at each Annual General Meeting. They shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting, when they shall retire, but shall be eligible for re-election from year to year. The nomination of the President Designate shall be made by the Executive Committee on the recommendation of the President and Past-Presidents of the Union. All other nominations must be in the hands of the Secretary on or before the 21st February of each year, and all nominations will be notified to the Secretaries of Golf Clubs in the Union and to all members of the Executive Committee at least 14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.


The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers and nine representatives to be elected by ballot. Each Member is entitled to vote for as many Candidates as there are vacancies. Voting papers, not fulfilling these conditions will be void. Five Members shall form a quorum, except for the settlement of disputes at Golf Meetings, where three shall be sufficient. Representatives shall be elected to the Executive Committee at each Annual General Meeting and shall hold their office for three years, unless removed by resolution at a Council Meeting. At each Annual General Meeting, the representatives on the Executive Committee who have completed their terms of office shall retire but may be nominated for re-election.

In the case of an interim vacancy occurring in its membership, the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill such vacancy by appointing thereto for the unexpired term thereof such person as they may think fit. Providing that if the unexpired term is more than one year, the action of the Executive Committee shall be subject to confirmation of the Council at the next Annual General Meeting. If an interim vacancy has not been filled by the Executive Committee at the date of the Annual General Meeting, the same shall be filled at such Annual General Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary will send out, not later than 1st February of each year, to the Clubs in the Union, circulars asking for nominations from Clubs for representatives to serve on the Executive Committee and such nominations must reach the Hon. Secretary not later than the 21st February following.


The Executive Committee shall have, in addition to the powers specifically conferred upon them, the control of the finances of the Union, and all such administrative powers as may be necessary properly to carry out the objects of the Union in accordance with The Rules. Elected members of the Executive Committee shall have voting rights at Council Meetings, Annual General Meetings and any Extraordinary General Meetings.


The Hon. Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Union and will have the custody of all documents belonging to the Union. He shall keep full and correct minutes of all proceedings, and records of all Competitions and Matches of the Union. He shall summon all meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee. When the Annual Financial Statement has been audited and signed by the Hon. Auditor, the Hon. Secretary will send a copy of the financial statement to each Club in the Union with a notice convening the Annual General Meeting.


The Hon. Treasurer shall keep the books of Account of the Union and shall prepare annually a financial statement made up to 31st December which he will submit to the Hon. Auditor for certification. He shall also receive and dispose of, according to the instruction of the Council or the Executive Committee, all monies receivable and payable by the Union. He shall act generally in accordance with the instructions of the Council or the Executive Committee.


An Hon. Auditor shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting, to audit the accounts of the Union.


The Annual Subscription shall be such sum as the Council shall from time to time decide and shall be payable in advance on the first day of January. No club (or its members) whose subscription is in arrears shall be entitled to take part in any Council Meeting or Golf event organised by the Union. A club shall be considered in arrears if its subscription is not paid by the 31st January.


Any club wishing to withdraw from the Union shall give notice in writing to the Secretary before 31st December in any year, but shall continue to be liable for any Annual Subscription due and unpaid at the date of resignation.


No Rule of the Union shall be repealed or altered, and no new Rule shall be made save by a two thirds majority of the members present at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose.


Individual Members of Clubs within the Union may become Associate Members of the Leeds and District Union of Golf Clubs. Applications for membership shall be made on the appropriate form and accompanied by the appropriate fee as shall be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee.

All Associate Members will receive a membership card, and be entitled to wear the distinctive tie of the Association. They shall be eligible to participate in any golfing event arranged for such Associate Members.

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