1. All Championships, Competitions and Matches shall be played in accordance with the current R&A /USGA Rules of Golf and the local rules of the club upon whose course the event is being played, in so far as they do not contravene the Rules of Golf and have the approval of the Competition Committee.
2. All competitors must comply strictly with the Host Club Rules and Etiquette on the Course and in the Clubhouse, particularly with regard to dress: jeans, collarless shirts and athletic footwear are NOT acceptable.
3. Except where otherwise stated, to be eligible to compete in the Union competitions or matches a player shall
(i) Be of Amateur status as defined by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews.
(ii) Be a Male playing member of a Club Affiliated to the Union.
(iii) Conform to the age and handicap limits which are included in the regulations for the event, and hold a WHS handicap.
(iv) A player must have submitted a minimum of four fully completed Club competition 18-hole round scores acceptable for WHS purposes in the 12 months before the day of the competition.
4. Entries for all events shall be made on the approved entry forms obtainable online or from Club Secretaries or the Competition Secretary of the Union, and must be accompanied by the appropriate entry fee to be eligible for entry into the Competition. Entry fees will not be refunded after the closing date for entry and within 7 days of the competition date.
5. Entry fees and prizes for all events shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee. In any event no competitor may receive more than Individual prize plus a team prize.
6. In the event of entries exceeding the number of starting times available there shall be a ballot in accordance with the entry criteria for the competition.
Players must start at the time established by the Competition Committee in accordance with the Rules of Golf.
7. Unless otherwise stated, ties in all competitions shall be decided by the scores taken over the last 18, 9, 6, 3, 2 or 1 holes played in that order. If the scores are still tied then the scores shall be taken over the first 18, 9, 6, 3, 2 and 1 hole played in that order. If the scores are still tied then the result will be Joint Winners. Team competitions shall be decided in the same way.
8. All disputes shall be referred to the Competition Committee consisting of the Competition Secretary and other members selected by the Executive Committee and its decision shall be final.
9. Ride-on Golf Buggies are not allowed in Competitions except for players on the LDUGC approved list and/or unless stipulated on the Competition entry poster.
These players shall obtain prior permission from the Union and the Host Club to use the Buggy and produce a Doctor's certificate and prove Third Party Insurance Cover exists. No other competitor shall be aided by the Buggy.
10. Inclement Weather
If, in the opinion of L & D U officials, it becomes impossible to complete a Competition in accordance with the L & D U Regulations for Tournaments and Competitions owing to adverse weather or other circumstances, the L & D U officials may vary the Competition conditions to the extent necessary to achieve a result within the time available.
11. A Competitor may not make use of any drug to enhance his performance.
Attention is drawn to the list of prescribed drugs issued by the Sports Council. Any Competitor infringing this rule, or if asked to do so, refuses to take a test shall be disqualified.
12. All Disciplinary matters shall be conducted in accordance with the L & D U Disciplinary Procedure
Copies are available from the Honourable Secretary on application by any club.