
Leeds & District Union of Golf Clubs



1. Each Club in the Union will be entitled to enter three teams of THREE amateurs.

2. The WHS handicap index limit for the competition is 36.0 for boys and girls.

3. The Championship shall be decided by stroke play over 18 holes from scratch, with the TWO lowest scores counting.

In the event of a tie the THIRD card score will decide the winners.

Failing that, the aggregate score from the first TWO cards over the back 9, 6, 3, 2 or 1 holes played in that order.

If the scores are still tied then the scores shall be taken over the first 9, 6, 3, 2 and 1 hole played in that order.

If the scores are still tied then the aggregate score from all THREE cards will apply in the same order as above.

4. Team prizes shall be awarded as follows:

First - lowest aggregate Gross score, Second - lowest aggregate Gross score

First - lowest aggregate Nett score, Second - lowest aggregate Nett score.

A team may only win one team prize.

Both Nett and Gross Score Team Winners go forward to the Ken Romaine Trophy final in September..

5. Individual Prizes will be awarded as follows:

Lowest Gross score Lowest Nett score

A player may win one individual prize in addition to a team prize.

6. The ‘Marshall Bellow Trophy’will be held for one year by the team returning the lowest aggregate gross score.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.