
Leeds & District Union of Golf Clubs


LEEDS Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

24Rob Wardle (Selby)
21Damian Simpson (Waterton Park Golf Club)
19Craig Watt (Howley Hall Golf Club)
18Barry Hardcastle (Leeds Golf Centre)
16Neil Kinghorn (Wakefield)
15Tom Madden (Cookridge Hall Golf Club)
12Tom North (Howley Hall Golf Club)
12Paul Croft (Sand Moor Golf Club)
12Ben Hutchinson (Howley Hall Golf Club)
8Mark Griffiths (Normanton)
8Matty Brighton (Leeds Golf Centre)
8John Rea (Scarcroft)
8Andy Wiltshire (Pontefract & District)
8Matthew Lees (Woolley Park Golf Club)
8Simon Coumbe (Pontefract & District)
7Tom Broxup (Cookridge Hall Golf Club)
7Matthew East (Leeds Golf Centre)
7Sean Ryan (Horsforth Golf Club)
6Daniel Bradbury (Wakefield)
6Peter Owens (Moortown)
6Chris Green (Cleckheaton & District Golf Club)
6Adam Gawthrop (Horsforth Golf Club)
4Bradley Hudson (Cookridge Hall Golf Club)
4Joe Bagshaw (Scarcroft Golf Club)
4Lewis Clarke (Moor Allerton Golf Club)
4Scott Macgregor (Wakefield Golf Club)
4Adam Frontal (Moortown Golf Club)
4D N Appleyard (South Leeds Golf Club)
4Andy King (Garforth Golf Club)
4Tom Murray (Headingley Golf Club)
4Liam Bennett (Horsforth Golf Club)
3Andrew Stringer (Wakefield)
3Ryan Armitage Jnr (Pontefract & District Golf Club)
3J Kelley ()
2Steve Cain (Garforth Golf Club)
2Marcus Shepherd (Moortown Golf Club)
2Oliver Wood (Woolley Park Golf Club)
2G Davies (Howley Hall Golf Club)
2Ben Firth (Leeds Golf Centre)
2Matthew Pearson (Leeds Golf Centre)
2Humza Rafique (Cookridge Hall Golf Club)
2Joe Heraty (Moor Allerton Golf Club)
2Mick Thorpe (Scarcroft Golf Club)
2Stephen Mason (Woolley Park)

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